Dear Carp Dimers...
If my calculations are correct, you'll be able to read this post immediately after I click the publish button. First, let me assure you that I am alive and well. I've been living happily these last few weeks in the year 1885. The lightning bolt that hit the DeLorean caused a gigawatt overload which scrambled the time circuits...
Wait, that's the letter Doc Brown sent to Marty at the end of
Back to the Future Part II. Actually, there has been a lot going on. I'll get around to sharing all of that soon. But for now, let's focus on what's most important. The here. The now.
It's been a long road getting here from way back in December of 2004. That's right, if you do the math, you'll realize that this blog has been around in one form or another for nearly 10 years. It's likely there will be some sort of 10th anniversary celebration when we get to December. But, again, I digress. We need to focus on the here and now.
I've been putting off writing number 2000 for only one reason. I've wanted to do a contest. I want to have a giveaway. But I haven't had a clue what to give away. I've had contests before where I've given away gift cards and other items that I felt were important to give away (like
Back to the Future on DVD or a Superman t-shirt). For weeks, I've been racking my brain. Actually, for months.
I've known this number was coming up. But I've continually drawn a blank. I've asked friends for their ideas. But nothing really struck a chord. So I continued to think.
As mentioned above, I've given away my favorite movie before. I've given away what is clearly my favorite kind of t-shirt. Now it's time to give away my favorite book of all time. It sort of makes sense, because this year is the 75th anniversary of the classic film adaptation of that favorite book of all time. Of course, I'm talking about
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.
What can I win?
First we have the original novel by L. Frank Baum. I've liked a lot of books in my 34 years of life, but this is, by far, my favorite. The above picture is the original title page from way back in 1900. That's not what the cover of the book you receive will look like. I'm sorry, I don't have access to a hardcover first edition. If I did, I'm sorry, but I probably wouldn't be giving it away.
Second is the hardcover collected edition of a limited series that Marvel Comics published back in 2009. I read this and found that it is a faithful adaptation of the original novel. Also, the art is kind of gorgeous.
Finally, if you win, you'll receive the 1939 classic film adaptation on DVD. Again, the above image is not what the DVD case will look like. This is just an image of one of the old movie posters. If you're like me, you grew up watching
The Wizard of Oz whenever it came on TV. If you're not like me, there's a good chance you at least know about the movie. Maybe you watched it as a kid and got freaked out by the flying monkeys. If you win, give it another chance. It's a really good movie.
How can I win?
First of all, if you've already liked Carp Dime's Facebook page, you're already entered to win. If you haven't liked the Facebook page, what are you waiting for? On the right side of the page, up near the top, you'll find a button you can click to take you right to the aforementioned Facebook page.
Another way to get entered will be for you to take to Twitter. If you tweet a link to this blog post and use the hashtag #CarpDime, you will be entered to win these items.
Finally, leave a comment on this post telling me what your favorite book is and why. I'm always interested to hear your thoughts.
That means you can have your name thrown in the hat up to three times to win these three prizes.
I currently have 80 likes on the Carp Dime Facebook page. If you happen to be number 100, you will receive a copy of Baum's second Oz book:
The Marvelous Land of Oz. While I don't consider it to be as great as the original, Baum does a lot to expand his fictional world in this sequel, paving the way for dozens of other books to follow. So go, click, like and share the love on the Facebook.
Again, this isn't what the cover actually looks like. I mean, the picture is the same, but the binding isn't red. |
What are you waiting for? Sure, I'll give you until April 15 to enter the contest, but why wait two weeks when you can get it over with now? Good luck! Winners will be announced on April 16th!