Thursday, May 31, 2012

Bucket List

I should really be asleep. But I had this stuff on my mind. And I wanted to write it down before I fell asleep and forgot it all. It's something I've been thinking of coming up with for a long time. It's a bucket list. No, I'm not dying. But I want to keep track of what I accomplish and what I have yet to do. And if you want to help me out with any of these, please feel free. Be warned, I came up with a hundred. If you make it through the whole list, you are very special to me.
  1. Drive across the US in a convertible.
  2. Love and be loved in return.
  3. Visit Canada.
  4. Climb the stairs of the Eiffel Tower.
  5. Sing a duet with Carrie Underwood.
  6. Visit Australia.
  7. Arrange for someone to continue updating my Twitter feed after my death.
  8. Kiss a girl.
  9. Survive the zombie apocalypse.
  10. Get wicked good with a bow and arrow.
  11. Own a house with a large front porch.
  12. Win the lottery.
  13. Own an arcade style Ms. Pac-Man video game.
  14. Discover time travel.
  15. Visit 1955.
  16. Become a teacher.
  17. Live in New York.
  18. Write a song for a girl.
  19. Hug a clown.
  20. Watch every Star Wars movie (even the prequels) in one sitting.
  21. Shake hands with the president.
  22. Try on a suit of armor.
  23. Figure out what the smoke monster from Lost really was. I posted about my findings here...
  24. See the Aurora Borealis.
  25. Have a front yard with a big freakin' willow tree.
  26. Write a novel.
  27. Have it published.
  28. Watch every Harry Potter movie in a day.
  29. Watch the sunrise from a hot air balloon.
  30. Go to the prom.
  31. Have a pen pal.
  32. Visit London.
  33. Fall asleep waiting for Santa.
  34. Own a recliner.
  35. Build a sandcastle.
  36. Live in a home with a secret passage.
  37. Live in a home with a library.
  38. Read every book written by Stephen King.
  39. Attend a game at every Major League ballpark.
  40. Visit Ground Zero.
  41. Set up an outdoor movie theater in my back yard.
  42. Ride the Loch Ness Monster at Busch Gardens 20 consecutive times.
  43. Run a 5k. I ran the Monument Ave. 10k in April of 2013. That counts, right?
  44. Sing the National Anthem at a minor league baseball game.
  45. Learn to play the piano.
  46. Adopt a dog.
  47. Fly in a helicopter.
  48. Party in Vegas.
  49. Create a life-size Chutes and Ladders game.
  50. Visit Rome.
  51. Go on a cruise.
  52. Buy a tailored suit.
  53. Receive a kiss under the mistletoe.
  54. See Beauty and the Beast performed on stage.
  55. Visit the Statue of Liberty.
  56. Be invited to speak at a graduation ceremony.
  57. Ride in a gondola.
  58. Learn how to do a cartwheel.
  59. Visit the Grand Canyon.
  60. Get drunk.
  61. Learn to play the ukulele.
  62. Propose to a woman in epic fashion.
  63. Go to Hawaii.
  64. Build a blanket fort.
  65. Be thrown a surprise birthday party.
  66. Meet friends that I've only known through blogging.
  67. Sing a song with my college choir again.
  68. Tell my high school crush that I had a crush on her once upon a time.
  69. Participate in a flash mob.
  70. Go on a picnic with the woman I love.
  71. See every movie on the American Film Institute's top 100 list.
  72. Live in the Big Brother house for the summer.
  73. Play and beat every main series Final Fantasy game.
  74. Go on a date.
  75. Watch the sun rise over the Atlantic and set over the Gulf of Mexico in the same day.
  76. Ride a camel.
  77. Sing Dream On at karaoke night. Proof.
  78. Make a snow angel.
  79. Visit Mexico.
  80. Take a train to New York.
  81. Watch an Olympic bobsled event in person.
  82. Recreate the events of Ferris Bueller's Day Off.
  83. Volunteer at a soup kitchen.
  84. Meet Alison Brie.
  85. Sing a baby to sleep.
  86. Get out of debt.
  87. Create a sitcom.
  88. Spend a day watching animated Disney films.
  89. Have a sandwich named after me.
  90. Serenade a girl.
  91. Eat at a pizza joint in New York City.
  92. Eat a cheesesteak in Philadelphia.
  93. Have more than 100 followers on my blog.
  94. Survive 12/21/2012.
  95. Have a secret admirer.
  96. Catch a foul ball.
  97. Visit DisneyWorld with my college friends.
  98. Make a profound speech and then drop the microphone like a badass.
  99. Watch an entire season of 24 in one day.
  100. Host SNL.
  101. Sing all the way through Barenaked Ladies' One Week on tempo without flubbing the lyrics.
I know I try to keep this blog as family friendly as possible. So I'm sorry for the colorful language on number 98. But I couldn't think of another word that would describe the way someone just drops the mic like they don't care.

As I cross things off the list, I'll make updates. Life from here on should be interesting as I try to do all this stuff. Wish me luck. And again, if you want to help with any of it, let me know!


  1. How fun.

    Some of these are so interesting. Some seem impossible in our lifetime (visit 1955?) and some I can relate to soooo much.

    I thought I was born to be an SNL cast member. Lorne Michaels probably doesn't agree.

    But hugging a clown? Yeah, no.

  2. I'd be happy to help with...several. :)

    GOOD list!


  3. Great list! I can relate to many of them and may have to steal a few for my own list :)
