Sunday, August 23, 2009


Being an adult sucks.

Sorry if that offends some of you, but it does. Sometimes, when I'm at the Greenehouse, I'm privy to the complaints of the Greene children. Small things like "I don't want to go to school," or "I can't figure out this math problem." When I was their age, I remember having similar complaints and thinking that nothing could be more difficult than the issues I was facing at the time.

As an adult, I listen to some of their complaints and wish my problems were only that simple. I'm not saying that I have a difficult life. Compared to some, I have no doubt that I lead a very privileged life. But I struggle, just like everyone else. And as I've grown, I've discovered that my struggles have become more severe than they were twenty, ten, even five years earlier.

This does not mean that I want to go back and do it all over again either. Yes, I look back at my childhood and see that life was much simpler at the time. But that also carried with it a certain amount of ignorance. All the problems that I deal with, I'm sure my parents dealt with, I just didn't know about them. Ignorance may have been bliss, but I wouldn't trade the knowledge I now have for that bliss.

Of course there are some things that I would like to get back from my youth. Certain powers and abilities that I no longer possess. I talked about some of this in a previous post: The Murgtaugh List. You can click there to see what's already on the list, but I've thought of a couple more to add.

Sitting Down/Standing Up: I don't mind standing up for hours at a time. I mind even less sitting for just as long. But the act of transitioning from one to the other is becoming more and more difficult as I get older. It's possible that I will have bad joints as I continue to age. But I find myself groaning when I stand up or sit down. It's not so much that it hurts, it just seems to be a hassle.

Amount of Food Eaten: Yes, another addition having to do with eating. When I was in college, I had a great metabolism. But I took advantage of it and also took it for granted. I often spent time eating entire large pizzas on my own. It wasn't long before that metabolism I had so enjoyed was depleted. Now, I find myself full after eating only three slices of pizza (and that's without eating the crusts).

I hope that I won't need to add more to that list, but I'm sure, eventually, I will. What's on your list?