Saturday, January 30, 2010

What I Did With My Snow Day

For most of the week, they've been predicting it. The meteorologists that be kept on claiming that Friday night would begin approximately 24 hours of incredible snow fall. I didn't want to believe it. See, they've made these sorts of false prophecies before.

And then it happened. Friday night, as I was driving around on my first pizza run of the evening, the snow began to fall. And it was just about instantaneous. At first there was nothing but cloudy skies and the whispers of nervous southerners who were ill-prepared for winter. Suddenly my visibility was seriously decreased. Then my excitement kicked in.

I became like a little kid. I knew that today would be Saturday and there was no work to be had, but I still became giddy, as if I would be waiting in front of the TV to see if school would be closed. I finished my shift and came home, ready to be snowed in for the entire weekend.

Predictions told us that we could expect the snow to fall for nearly 24 hours straight. Sure, it would taper here and there at times, but Raleigh was braced for an epic dumping of snow.

Imagine my disappointment when I finally woke this morning to see that not much more had covered the ground than had been when I got to my apartment last night. Sure, the roads had a nice blanket of white. At least the road into my parking lot had a nice blanket of white. I'm thinking the meteorologists need to seriously consider learning how to tell time all over again. Their 24 hours was probably more like 12. Not a lot fell from the sky today. Maybe some sleet or some freezing rain during the morning. Most of the day went by with no additional precipitation. Not outside my window anyway.

But I stayed inside today. No use trying to get the Escort out of my iced over parking lot if there was no need for it. Most of my day was unproductive. I read. I watched episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I did my taxes.

That last one I would say was pretty productive. The government owes me $1,100. Not bad for a day's non-work. Question remains, what should I do with that extra cash that Uncle Sam will be sending my way? You work on that, I'm gonna go get a Coke.

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