Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Legends of the Bank Teller - Episode XCIV

It isn't often that I get customers that are genuinely entertaining. Most of the time, I get customers that cause angry and frustrated feelings in me. In fact, most of the ones who think they're entertaining just end up being infuriating. People with eccessive personalities usually fall into that category. But today, I was lucky enough to get a really entertaining customer.

A man came into the lobby and I just happened to be free enough to help him out. He came up to the window and handed me a check. He said that some friends from his church gave it to him at Christmas and he wanted to cash it. He also gave me his ID, so I started doing my job. I looked over the check and saw how it was made out. The line containing the "Pay to the Order of" note was made out to Christ the King.

I was a little confused. But I continued on. I asked the man if "Christ the King" was the title of a business. My reasoning here was that it could be the name of a church. Pretty sure I've come across churches with that title before. He proceeded to inform me that it was not the name of a business. That it was meant to be Jesus Christ, hence, Christ the King.

Okay, I know I've been pretty lax on my church attendance of late. But I did grow up in church. Even without my years at a Baptist college, I spent enough time in Sunday School to know that this guy wasn't Jesus. Besides, the ID he handed me said his name was Todd. But I wasn't sure what to say. For a good 10-15 seconds I just stood there, looking from the check to his ID, unsure how to break the news to this guy, I can't cash this check. What if he actually thinks he's Jesus? You hear stories about people out there who have these delusions. I didn't want to be responsible for destroying this guy's psyche.

When I found my voice again, I told him I wouldn't be able to cash it. I simply informed him he'd have to take it back to the people that made the check and it would have to be made out in his name before I could do anything with it. Even if the guy thought he was Jesus, technically, Christ the King is a title, not a name. But, you know, call me Thomas if you want, but I'd really have to see more proof that this guy was really the Son of God. A North Carolina driver's license telling me your name is Todd just isn't gonna cut it.

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