Wednesday, September 14, 2011


I mentioned not long ago that I've started a new job. Along with this opportunity came a tough decision that probably caused some hurt among my previous coworkers. While it was never my intention to place anyone in a difficult position, nor did I ever intend to burn bridges, it's a realistic possibility that I had to face.

I made a decision. Period. It was a choice that I needed to make and if I was asked to do it again, I absolutely would. I'm growing more relaxed in my new position. I'm growing more and more comfortable with what I'm doing and as time has passed, I feel more confident in how I approach this new career.

I haven't questioned my decision to leave the bank. But that doesn't mean that it isn't nice to receive a little confirmation that I made the right choice from time to time.

Two days after I started the new job, Tree came into work and shared the devotion she had read that morning. She handed it to me and said it made her think of me. So I read it. The title of it said "Do what you love, love what you do."

It talks about how God gives us certain talents and passions in our lives. God doesn't create us to be talented in certain areas, then ask us to give ourselves in unrelated areas. The devotion quotes Carly Fiona who said, "Love what you do, or don't do it." It's no secret that I didn't love working for the bank. But I forced myself, for four years, to be grateful. It's a difficult economy and jobs are scarce. Of course I was grateful for the paycheck.

But in working for the bank, I wasn't using my true talents. It was a job I could do, more or less adequately. But it was because, again, I forced myself to do it. The devotion goes on to say that if you become a slave to someone else's dream, that dream can quickly become a nightmare. For a long time, that's the kind of life I felt like I was trapped in. That's not where God wanted me. And it's not where I wanted me.

And so I got out. I'm doing something that's using my talents. I'm able to perform a job that let's me pursue my creative passions. I'm being paid to do something that I actually enjoy doing. I don't wake up in the morning with a sense of dread about where I'm headed for the day. It's a wonderful feeling.

1 comment:

  1. This makes me so happy and gives me hope that Devin (the husband unit) will soon be able to say the same thing.
