Thursday, November 05, 2009


I haven't had a roommate in quite some time. I'm not sure if I'd count my Dad as a roommate. That being the case, it's been since I moved away from Bluefield back in 2004. I've lived alone since moving to North Carolina in 2007. I've enjoyed that solitude.

But this week I have a roommate. On Monday, a Greene family friend arrived in town. Gordon is a soccer coach from Scotland. A few years ago, when he was working as a coach locally, the Greenes hosted him during the months he was here. In that time he grew close to the family, so he comes back to visit whenever he gets a chance. Obviously that's how we met, seeing as how I've grown close to the Greenes as well.

So Gordon needed a place to crash for a couple weeks and I have a pretty comfortable couch. Granted, it's only been a few days, but it seems to be going well. I'll admit I was a little nervous about having someone stay with me for a couple weeks. And that's no reflection on Gordon. It's just been so long since I've shared a living space with anyone, I wasn't sure how comfortable I would be.

Turns out this roommate thing isn't so bad. I'm not saying that, once Gordon flies out, I'll place an ad to try to find a new roommate. After all, I just have the one bedroom. But if, in the future, things become more economically difficult, I could definitely handle having someone pay half the rent.

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