Sunday, March 31, 2013


I remember attending Easter morning sunrise services all throughout my youth. I grew up in a church that changed locations when I was 9 years old. At the time, the new building was built on top of a steep hill overlooking a beautiful valley. It gave a terrific view of the sunrise on those early Sunday mornings.

I want to say I went to a sunrise service at some point during college, but I could be wrong about that. Either way, it's been more than a decade since I participated in an Easter sunrise service. That changed today when I joined Northstar Church's GAP group for our very own sunrise service.

It was cold. It was raining. It was informal. It was all kinds of awesome. We sang old hymns, we prayed, we discussed what Easter means. Viktor, one of our GAP leaders, lead us in a short devotion that you can read here. Seriously, go read it. It's good stuff.

So I have next Easter to look forward to. But this begs the question, why should a sunrise service be limited only to Easter Sunday? Is there some kind of law or tradition that says a sunrise service cannot happen more than that one Sunday each year? I'm not saying we should do it every week. But I'd certainly participate in a monthly or semi-monthly thing. Who's with me?

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