Sunday, April 05, 2009


A couple weeks ago I stumbled upon a blog titled Sunday Scribblings. Each week they post a writing prompt, giving writers the opportunity to join together to write about the same subject on Sunday. You can click on that link and find links to what others have written. This weekend, the good people at Sunday Scribblings ask "What have you got to celebrate?"

I don't think of myself as a complainer. I'm sure I have my moments, and I'm sure there are people who would disagree with me, saying that I complain often. But I really don't think I do. And I believe that's because I'm not much of a worrier. Again, I have my moments, but for the most part I just don't sweat stuff.

So when I look at my life, I know that I have a lot to celebrate about. I could look back at the various years of my lifetime and find all those blessings, but I just want to stick with the last few months.

I live in a town that has a pretty decent climate. It may be a little warmer than I like in the summer, but it isn't completely unbearable. I hear some people complain about the amount of rain we've been getting lately, but that's not something you'll hear from me. When I first moved here, North Carolina was in the midst of one of its worst droughts in history. So every time it rains, there should be a celebration.

As an adult, I witnessed my own family falling apart. After my parents' divorce, the concept of family became a foreign thing to me. Since moving to North Carolina, I have been adopted into a new family. The Greenes are a family that have blessed me in more ways than they can possibly know. I just hope that somehow, some way, I'll be able to repay the favor. Any time I'm invited to share a meal or spend some time with my new family is a cause for celebration.

When I made the decision to drop out of seminary, I was seeking a place to live. The one place that I knew I could truly afford had a waiting list and I was five deep. At the time, I thought there would be no chance of receiving a phone call telling me something was available. Two weeks after I put my name on the list, I got that phone call. For under $500 a month, I'm living in one of the most awesome apartments I've ever seen. Every time I unlock my door, I should be celebrating.

For the last year and a half, I've had to scrape by on part-time income, and supplementing that with my savings account. As 2009 approached, I knew I needed to change my circumstances and soon. This meant I would either need to search for a full-time job or a second part-time position. My savings is nearly depleted, but I began my full-time teller job last Wednesday. And now, every time I make the drive downtown, I should celebrate.

I'm not an emotional person. I'm not one to get excited over most things. So when people look at me, they may assume I'm an unhappy individual. But I'm not. I'm a lot happier than I look. I'm a lot happier than I act. Just because my face may not be showing a grin from ear to ear doesn't mean I'm not feeling the smile. Just because I'm not leaping up and down in excitement, doesn't mean I'm not feeling the joy. I have a lot in my life to be grateful for and an awful lot for which to celebrate. You may not be aware of it at all times, but trust me, I am.

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