Jen and Nicole, QB is a mere five doughnuts long.
I suppose by that reckoning, I'm roughly 18 doughnuts tall. I feel like a giant among domesticated pets.
But I don't go around bragging about my size to the Queen. I fear her wrath.
And she's a slippery little thing. She is generally kept contained in a small cage that resides in Kevin and Nicole's room. It is my contention that she merely allows this to be so. Maggie is there to keep her company, and I daresay, to entertain her.
There has been one occasion, after a trip into nature, that I was returning Queen Battle to her holding area and she seemingly vanished. It was clear she did not wish to return to the cage with her cellmate. Who was I to argue?
Within minutes she returned, as if from nowhere, and allowed me to place her back in her would-be home.
I have yet to experience the full depth of Queen Battle's abilities, and I'm sad to say, I may never see such things come to fruition. You see, in October, Jen will be flying to this very place to snatch the Queen away and take her to the west coast. Godspeed Queen Battle.
sing w/ me .. you know you want to:
ReplyDeleteQueen - a-ah - savior of the universe
Queen - a-ah - she'll save every one of us
Queen - a-ah - she's a miracle
Queen - a-ah - queen of impossible.
She's for everyone of us
Stand for everyone of us
She'll save with a mighty hand
Every man every woman
Every child - with a mighty flash
Queen - a-ah
Queen - a-ah - she'll save every one of us
Just a dog
With a dog's courage
Nothing but a dog
She can never fail
No one but the pure in heart
May find the golden grail
Oh oh - oh oh
j "all hail the queen" h