Sunday, October 11, 2009

Bump in the Night

They say my building is haunted. I'm not exactly sure how many people are included in "they." Really, the only people I've heard these ghost stories from are a woman I used to work with and her daughter, who was once a resident in my building.

This apartment building was once a cotton mill. The structure itself has actually been around since the early 1900s. At some point in the last twenty years or so, it was converted into apartments. It really is a neat old building. It's the coolest apartment I've ever lived in. High ceilings, tall windows, huge rooms, hardwood floors, free water. I actually love this place.

But again, they say the place is haunted. I'm not sure if accidents happened back in the milling days. I'm not sure if unions got involved in labor disputes that became violent. I'm not sure if there were murders or suicides within these walls. But the rumor persists that restless spirits wander these halls.

I've been here for nearly a year and I've never experienced the supernatural. Thus far, the only bumps in the night that I've heard have come from neighbors turning the bass on their stereos up to eleven, or from the kids next door wrestling and slamming into the walls. That last part I'm a little concerned about. The walls are pretty thin. You slam someone hard enough, I'm pretty sure they'll just tear right through. I'm pretty sure the walls are little more than tissue paper anyway.

Believe me, if something strange in the neighborhood ever rears its ghostly head, this blog will be the first place I report it.


  1. Whoo Hoo... A possibly haunted building! I loved your description... You've got the best sense of humor (did I mention that last time I posted? I think I did, lol). Anyway, as you get closer to Halloween, please report back if anything happens!

  2. Cool! You live in a possibly haunted place? Even if you don't, it's creative that you wrote about this for the prompt.
