Wednesday, March 23, 2011

AFI 89 - The Sixth Sense

The Sixth Sense
Directed by M. Night Shyamalan
Netflix sleeve: When young Cole Sear (Haley Joel Osment) inexplicably starts seeing dead people, he lands in the care of child psychologist Dr. Malcolm Crowe (Bruce Willis), who is determined to uncover the truth behind Cole's remarkable paranormal abilities. M. Night Shyamalan writes and directs this plot twist-filled chiller, which was nominated for six Academy Awards, including Best Picture. Olivia Williams and Toni Collette co-star.

I remember seeing this in the theater when it originally came out. I went to see it based solely on the previews I had seen. I don't remember catching any word of mouth from people who had already seen it. I had no idea who M. Night Shyamalan was. But I knew who he was after I saw The Sixth Sense. I remember walking out of the theater thinking about how awesome it was. I remember how great that twist was at the end. Spoiler alert: Bruce Willis was dead the whole time! I turned to my friends and said I had to see it again. I wanted to see if there were clues throughout the movie that let us know he was dead. Didn't he interact with anyone other than the kid? I didn't see it again in the theater. But I had officially become a Shyamalan fan. The problem was, he set the bar for himself really high. I know this isn't a post about him or his other works, but his other movies have been hit or miss for me. Mostly miss. But The Sixth Sense is definitely not a miss.

1 comment:

  1. AND AND AND - Donnie Walhberg from New Kids On The Block is in it. YAY! :)
