Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Hello... Is It Me You're Looking For?

I feel the need to play a little catch up here. I have 38 followers now and that means that 38 people out there have gone three days without seeing anything new from the Carp Dime. If you've had your hopes up all weekend, crossing your fingers, thinking that at some point, maybe late in the night, the Single Guy would post something new, I apologize. I didn't have anything.

Actually, it isn't that I didn't have anything. As you'll see from the following paragraphs, I had plenty. I just didn't have internet access. But to set the stage for the story of this weekend, I have to give some back story. So, please, bear with me.

Back in September, I got together with a group of college friends for a weekend get away at Smith Mountain Lake. Heather's folks have a pretty snazzy house on the water that they let us use from time to time. At the time I wrote a little about it here, but it was more a serious reflection on the importance of these friends in my life than it was a summary of the good times we had over the weekend.

During that weekend, it was announced to the group that our friends Brandon and Kara were expecting their first child, due in April. The months passed and a few of us decided it would be a great idea to have what we have referred to as a "Bromance Baby Shower." The original plan was for the guys of our little group to get together at Mark's house in Bluefield (hometown of our collective alma mater) and throw a pre-fatherhood party for BrandoCommando.

Well, the baby girl decided to make an early appearance. Things are going well for both baby and mama at this point, though being a few weeks early, the baby's still at the hospital 'til she gets a little bigger. But this sort of put the kibosh on getting Brandon to a weekend party in a town two hours from home. So we adjusted the plans.

The guys who were still able to make it went, instead, back to the lake house. Since the house is closer to Roanoke, it made it easier for all of us to meet Brandon and still have a great time. Saturday evening we all came into town and met for dinner at Buffalo Wild Wings. Afterward, we hit the bowling alley for a game (and remind me to tell you about the messed up system they've got going on), followed by some ice cream. Yeah, we're getting pretty wild at that point.

Honestly, we can't get too wild these days. We've embraced the fact that we're all either in our 30s or quickly approaching them. And half the guys in our group Saturday night are fathers. Yeah. And here I am, the immature guy who has a hard time just talking to women. A story for another time...

Anyway, after the festivities in Roanoke, all of us (except the new dad) headed back to the lake house. Cards were played. Old school Nintendo was played. SNL was watched. It was a good time.

Sunday was a cold and rainy day. No fun to be had on the water, but we still had a great time sitting around catching up, the way friends do when they've spent some time apart. After a quick lunch, we said our good-byes and went our separate ways.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention... Sunday was also my birthday. It's 31, so not really a big deal. But I did have a good birthday. Josh brought along a cake that Heather had made for me. It was Funfetti (with no chocolate, thanks for that). For me, these days, birthdays don't need to be a huge blow out kind of party. Any birthday spent among friends is a special one and is memorable.

I got back to Roanoke Sunday night. Since I had vacation this week, I decided to spend a few days with Mom. I haven't spent any significant time in Roanoke since last summer. Come to think of it, it may be longer than that. So I had internet access Sunday night and Monday. But Sunday night I was pretty exhausted (I told you, Saturday was wild) and Monday was a pretty busy day.

I'll post my Monday story tomorrow. There you go... something to look forward to.

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