Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Dear John

A few weeks ago I caught a trailer for the upcoming film, Dear John. It's based on a Nicholas Sparks novel of the same name. I knew nothing about the story before seeing the preview, but just watching two minutes of scenes from the movie made me want to tear up.

So I borrowed the book from Nicole. Today I finished that book. This makes three of Sparks' novels that I've read in the last few months. This one did not make me cry.

The book is about John, a man serving in the army, who meets the love of his life while on leave. In a matter of days he falls in love with Savannah and pledges to marry her when his tour of duty is finished. But then 9/11 hits, changing his plans for getting out of the military when his time was up. This puts an obvious strain on his long-distance relationship with the girl of his dreams.

I'm starting to really like Sparks' stuff. He has a way of painting vivid pictures through the eyes of his narrators. Looking through John's eyes, it was easy to fall in love with Savannah after only a few chapters. It was easy to feel the character's pain and loss when tragedy struck. It was easy to feel his sense of pride when he looked back on the choices that he had made.

Over all, it was a good read. I look forward to the movie when it hits theaters.