Friday, December 25, 2009

Question of the Week: The Blessing

What is your favorite Christmas movie?

There are tons to choose from. Both traditional and non-traditional. I mean, traditionally you have your Christmas Story, Christmas Vacation, and It's a Wonderful Life. But some of the less traditional Christmas movies would be Die Hard, Gremlins, or Lethal Weapon. All of those movies take place at Christmas, ergo, they are Christmas movies. It's always hard for me to pick one favorite whenever I'm asked about favorite movies. There are so many good ones out there. But in this case I'd probably have to go with the traditional It's a Wonderful Life. I love that it shows this regular guy who doesn't think he's much of anything special, but really his life effected so many of those around him for the better. But I'm more interested in hearing about your favorite movies...


  1. I, of course, love Christmas Story, Miracle on 34th St., and The Grinch and Elf.
    But also While You Were Sleeping (another one that takes place around the holidays). Good ones. Good ones.

  2. I love the Preacher's Wife and I just saw for the first time last night The Bishop's Wife. I think they are my new favorites.
