Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Legends of the Bank Teller: Retraining Days

Being retrained may have been a dangerous thing for me. See, in those three days that I was forced to go to class to relearn how to be a bank teller, I got to be downtown. And I kind of loved it.

My lunch times were spent walking around the market, looking for new places to eat. Okay, they may not be new places to eat but they were pretty new to me. Being gone from Roanoke for a few years, it seems like a few things have changed. And maybe things haven't changed that much, I just never had the opportunity to spend any real time downtown when I lived here before.

I ate at the Roanoke Weiner Stand for the first time in years. It's probably been since I was in college or even before that. Those hot dogs can't be good for you, but who cares when they taste that good. On my last day I ate at Cornerstone, a bar & grill directly across the street from the Weiner Stand. It was pretty good too, if a little more expensive.

The point of all of this is that I really loved being downtown last week. I loved the atmosphere. I loved seeing tons of people that I've never met and will probably never see again. Actually, I'd probably see more of them more often if I would just spend more time downtown.

I ended my week wishing I could live and work downtown all the time. I still want that apartment at the Cotton Mill, which is close enough to downtown you can taste it. Working downtown may present more of a problem. But I may have an eventual solution.

The bank I work for has a marketing department on the same floor as the training facilities in their big building downtown. I wonder how difficult it would be to work my way into that particular department. I think it's something I could be pretty good at. Not that I'm awful with customer service, I've just never considered it my forte. I don't think anyone would consider that my forte. But I do think I could handle a job that requires a little creativity, and I think something in marketing might be the way to go for that.

Of course I could just be barking up the wrong tree. It's not as if I have a degree in marketing or public relations. Not even close. But I'm not exactly using that Behavioral Science degree I got, either. But hey, it can't hurt to introduce myself to the head of marketing next month when I go back for more training, right?

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