Monday, July 04, 2011

The Partial Monte Cristo

If you follow this blog, you know that I don't typically spend a lot of time talking about food. I'm a pretty picky eater, so finding diverse things to write about is a hard thing for me to do where food is concerned. But today a couple friends took me out to eat at a place called Cheddar's. I'm not sure where I first heard of this restaurant. As far as I know, we didn't have one in the Raleigh area. Needless to say, it was a first time for me.

I wasn't sure what to order, so I went along with what my two companions were suggesting. Teresa and Shay were getting the Monte Cristo, and when I looked at that item on the menu, I decided, so was I. Here's the description directly from the website:

Smoked turkey and ham, and two cheeses on fresh bread. Then battered and cooked until golden, served with a side of raspberry preserves.

Doesn't that sound amazing? It tastes amazing too. So freakin' good. Don't get me wrong, the deep fried part can't be too good for you. But it really was phenomenal.

I never would have thought to spread raspberry preserves on any kind of sandwich, but this works. It also had some powdered sugar sprinkled on it. I imagine that if Krispy Kreme started making sandwiches, they'd be something like this.

As soon as the sandwich arrived I knew there would be no way I'd be able to eat the whole thing. Also, imagine the plate above filled with french fries as well. That would make it a little harder to eat everything. So I did half. The rest I'll eat for a late dinner tonight. I'm sure it won't be quite as good reheated, but I'm willing to give it a go.

1 comment:

  1. they're way ahead of you ...

    this is always at our local fair

    j "yum" h
