Sunday, July 20, 2014

30th - Excitement

Day Thirty... One thing I'm excited for...

As is the case with most other human emotions, excitement isn't something I often feel. Generally, when I do feel excited, it's more of a subdued kind of thing. Excited on me looks more like anyone else's mild amusement.

But I have more than one thing to be excited for at the moment. So, forgive me for bending the rules on this 30th and final challenging blog post.

I'm excited that my summer program is finally over. This means that I have just under a month to sit back and relax. I've got books I can read. I've got friends I can visit. I've got sleep I can catch up on. The next 23 days are going to be glorious.

I'm excited that, during that 23 days, I'll be driving down to Raleigh to visit the Most Awesome Person I Know and her family. I miss those faces.

I'm excited that I also have a part-time gig to keep me occupied during the next few weeks. As the Children's Ministry Assistant at Northstar Church, I get to help out with all kinds of exciting activities that are coming up. If you're looking for something to do with your kids, check out our website to see what's happening soon. If you're looking for a way to get involved and help out with some of those activities, get in touch with me. I cannot describe how much fun I've had working with these kids.

I'm excited that, beginning tomorrow, I'll be posting things written by guest bloggers. So, for a while, I won't have to write anything. And you guys won't have to read my random ramblings. Win/win.

I'm excited that this is the final installment of the 30 Day Blog Challenge. It isn't that I haven't enjoyed posting something every day. Once upon a time, I took pride in the fact that I didn't let a day pass without posting something to Carp Dime. But it's harder than it used to be. Even with the daily prompts, it's kind of hard to come up with something that could be construed as slightly entertaining.

Well, those are my excitements. Granted, I'm not jumping up and down, screaming at the top of my lungs excited. That rarely (if ever) happens. It might happen when the Batman vs. Superman movie comes out, but that's because I'm a big geek.

Come back tomorrow for the first guest post. It's a good one, I've already read ahead.

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