Monday, July 21, 2014

Welcome Guests

Hopefully you're all sticking around after that crazy 30 day thing. Because this afternoon I'll be posting the first of many blogs written by guest writers.

Some time ago, my pastor challenged me to write something for his blog. I liked the idea so much, I decided to steal it. Though, I guess it's not stealing if I asked permission to use the same idea. Anyway, he provided a prompt and I wrote. I gave my guest bloggers the same prompt: What is one experience you've had that helped shape the person you are today.

Jeff even offered to let me use the same graphic that he had on his guest blogger series. But I thought that would make my theft and lack of creativity a bit too obvious. So I stole a picture from Pinterest instead...
Links to the guest writers' posts...
1. Brandon Caldwell 
2. Vanessa
3. Landon Metts
4. Jeff Noble
5. Jennifer Mitchell
6. Mark Hipes
7. Nicole Holden

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