Saturday, March 22, 2008

Legends of the Bank Teller - Episode XI

My fellow Americans, when you come to my bank, you must have your coin rolled if you expect us to exchange it for paper money. Most of you are aware of this.

What some of you may be unaware of is that the values placed on the coin wrappers are not just a suggestion. When you have a penny wrapper that has the number 50 on there, it means you have to put in 50 cents worth of pennies. Not 57 or 58. 50.

When you have a roll of dimes with the number 5 or the word "five" on it, that means five dollars worth in dimes. Not $4.70.

Today a gentleman came in claiming to have 90-some dollars worth of rolled coin that he wanted to deposit into his kids' savings accounts. When I counted his rolls, I came up with something in the 80s. But something troubled me: some rolls of pennies were much longer than others.

This meant I had to open them all up and count them individually. We don't have a counting machine. So this was all done by hand. After adding and subtracting everything (and counting numerous dimes, nickels, and quarters as well) he was short by 48 cents. Granted, not a big deal in the long run, but I spent the better part of my day counting coins. This wasn't fun.

The moral of the story? If you're thinking of exchanging your change for real money, be sure to count it before you roll it. You can't just make a guess about those things. Just because it looks like it might be the right amount doesn't mean it is. Never assume.

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