Thursday, July 17, 2008

LeAving on a jet pLAne

For years I've told Jen I would fly out to Los Angeles to pay her a visit. It's been a lot of talk. Even a couple months ago, when I finally paid for my flight, it still felt like this hypothetical future event that would never actually arrive. That hypothetical future is quickly becoming the present.

Tomorrow morning I'll board a plane and fly far, far, far away from here. Here's what I know for sure: Tomorrow night we're going to see Point Break Live. Saturday night we're going to the 10:30pm show of The Dark Knight (which will feel like 1:30am to me). At some time we're going to the beach (which I hear is a prevalent resource there). Other than that, my fate is in Jen's hands.

I'll be taking my camera. I'll be taking the Greenes' video camera. I'll be taking my laptop. So expect regular updates from the west coast.

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