Tuesday, August 09, 2011

A Weekend at the Greenbrier

I really need to play catch up. I've had stuff going on in my life over the last couple weeks that are incredibly blog-worthy, yet I've failed to write about them. And why is that? Because I've had stuff going on in my life over the last couple weeks that are incredibly blog-worthy and I haven't had time to sit down and write about them. So let's get started, shall we?

                                                       Source: google.com via Elizabeth on Pinterest

Remember how I won tickets to all the events of the Greenbrier Classic? Remember how I had a contest to give away one of those tickets to a lucky winner? Well, my friend and former roommate Mark (the Other Single Guy) was the winner of said contest. His odds were pretty good since he was one of three people who actually gave it a shot. I'm not hurt that more people didn't try. I mean, it was a pretty long questionnaire... with an essay portion. I thought it'd be fun.

Well, whatever the case, I'm grateful to the ones who did play along. I had fun. Mark had fun. It was a great weekend.

I ended up not being able to go to Thursday night's Tim McGraw concert. I was scheduled to work until 7 that evening and the concert started at 8... and I would have still needed to drive an hour and a half to get there. No way I'd have made it. So I gave the tickets to my new assistant manager and her daughter. As it was, they almost missed the concert too. Apparently traffic Thursday night was a nightmare. But she did report that they had a great time. And I'm glad the tickets didn't go to waste.

I took the day off that Friday and headed to Eagle Rock to pick up Mark from his parents' house. From there we drove up to Lewisburg, WV to park at the State Fairgrounds. We took the shuttle bus back to White Sulfur Springs and the Greenbrier, where we met up with Brandon and his wife's cousin. We watched Phil Mickelson play for a while, but he really wasn't doing that great. In fact, he didn't make the cut for the rest of the weekend. It was neat to see him play though.

                                                       Source: forevermusick.com via Shane on Pinterest

Friday night was outstanding. That's the night of the Black Eyed Peas concert. They put on one of the most amazing shows I've ever seen. And maybe it's because I haven't been to a real concert since I was in college. But I was pretty much in awe the whole time. Everything about that concert was incredible. Including Fergie. Wow.

We made it back to Eagle Rock to sleep off the long day. Saturday, after a delicious breakfast thanks to Mark's mother, we made the drive back up to West Virginia for the third round of the golf tournament. This time Mark and I decided to move around a little and stick to some of the back 9. It was a hot day and I was pretty stupid to not put on sunscreen. 'Cause I pretty much got fried. I didn't think I'd need anything though, we were outside on Friday and I didn't get any sun. Oh well, I survived.

I found out that my sister and her friend Dixie had gotten their hands on a pair of tickets for that night's Miranda Lambert/Keith Urban concert. So after we had had our fill of golf for the day, we headed back on the bus and met April and Dixie for dinner. We tried to get kicked out of the Applebee's, but we just weren't rowdy enough. So then we went to the concert and, I'm sorry to say, I was a little underwhelmed after the awesomeness that was the Black Eyed Peas.

Sunday I decided to take the day off. I let Mark and Brandon take my pair of tickets for the final round of golf while I stayed at home to try and recuperate from the previous week at work and my scorched arms, neck, legs, and face. Apparently they had a great time. I hear they met Frank Beamer, got their picture taken with him, and even stuck around for some free golf. Not too shabby.

It really was a great weekend. I'm not sure if it's the kind of thing I'll want to invest money in when the time comes around next year. But I sure wouldn't mind winning another drawing like that again.

1 comment:

  1. yeah, totally jealous of the black eyed peas concert.

    i love them. my husband hates them. good thing different tastes in music isn't grounds for divorce!
