Michael Johns - You Can Go Your Own Way
It's starting off kind of iffy for Michael. When he gets to the chorus, he doesn't sound quite as confident as I'm used to from him. Maybe he's not comfortable with hitting the higher notes there. His song last week was a better fit. It'll be interesting to see what the judges say. But I'm only giving him a 6. Kinda rough.
Jason Castro - Be Your Everything (not sure of the title)
He's out here with his guitar again. I can see this guy being a new Jack Johnson. He's very comfortable out there with the instrument and on the stage. His vocal this week isn't quite as good as last week, but I think he's doing better than Michael. Gonna go with a 7.
Luke Menard - Killer Queen
What's with the song choice this week? This song just doesn't suit him at all. Maybe I'm the only one thinking that. Anyone else seeing Hugh Jackman in this guy? I'm having bad Viva Laughlin flashbacks. Can't say I liked it though. Not bad, not great. 7.
Robbie Carrico - Hot Blooded
I think this might be the best so far tonight. I'm pretty sure I said that with this guy last week too. He did a really good job with this song. The confidence was there. The vocals were there. I'll say it wasn't as good as last week, which seems to be a running theme tonight. Better than the previous three though. 9.
Danny Noriega - Superstar
Here's a tip: when introducing yourself on a show where you want people to think you're a good singer, don't tell America that you were once in a band that sucked. I'm inclined not to like this guy, just because he seems like he'll be this year's Sanjaya. I know, I said Jonas would be, but he got cut. But he's actually doing pretty good tonight. Better than last week's song. 7.

Tell me I'm wrong.
David Hernandez - Papa Was a Rolling Stone
He did a good job with this one. He didn't over do it, he didn't under do it. He was able to play the audience well. Giving him an 8.
Jason Yeager - Without Love
He's a little flat starting off. Most of the song is okay though. He's pulling off a pretty good vocal. I'm not a fan though. It's pretty average. 6.
It sounds like there are some problems staying on pitch here. Though to be honest, I don't know this song. There's no denying that Chikezie has a powerful voice, but he starts this song out all over the place. There's some redemption toward the end. And it's better than last week's performance. 8.
David Cook - Alright Now
Dave's out here playing Guitar Hero. Will this take away from his already less than stellar vocal performance? I'll say that he's doing better than last week, but I really don't think he's got a strong voice for this. 7.
David Archuleta - Imagine
This kid seems to be a crowd favorite. The girls were screaming for him before Ryan even introduced him. And I'll admit, for someone so young, he's got an amazing voice. He's come out and taken one of my favorite songs and he's made it his own. As far as I can tell, this is a fairly flawless performance. First 10 of the season.
That's it for the guy. Archuleta gets my vote tonight. Uh, I'll be honest, I don't know 70s music that well. I mean, I can sing along with a lot of songs played on the radio, just don't ask me the titles. So if I missed some of the above titles, forgive me. And disclaimer for tomorrow night, I'm sure I'll miss some more. Tomorrow the girls sing. Remember: vote early, vote often!
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